Waldorf Blofeld is amazing little digital synth with almost endless possibilities. Unfortunately the rotary encoders seem to start skipping and failing sooner or later. After couple of years of light use my unit started failing too and it became very annoying to use. First Try I first tried to open one encoder and clean it from inside. It worked ok but these components aren't really meant to be opened and closed again and I never managed to put it back together properly. Encoder shaft was loose and wobbly and it would have failed again soon because the encoder wasn't tightly closed. Proper Fix Luckily it's possible to fix it properly as long as you know how to solder. Current price for the full set of encoders is less than 7 euros. I ordered new Bourns encoders from Mouser: 1 pcs of https://www.mouser.fi/ProductDetail/652-PEC16-4220FN0024 for the main encoder, this one has detents so it "clicks" when you turn it. 6 pcs of https://www.mouser.fi/ProductDetail/65...
Midi moose, revision 2 One night I was jamming with my synthesizers. Digitakt was generating beats and sending midi to Acid Moose. I also added modular synth to the mix but getting it in sync with the rest of the gear was cumbersome. I had to connect midi to my midi2cv module, program a midi track with steady 16th notes and use the gate signal as a clock. I started wondering why isn't it as easy as syncing a midi device to Digitakt? I pretty soon realized it can be! I already have an arduino doing other midi stuff inside my midi thru magic box and it had plenty of io pins free! Drill a hole for the connector, solder some wires and write some code and the modular will be in sync with midi! Original Midi Moose post is available here: http://noiseembedded.blogspot.com/2019/04/midi-moose-midi-thru-with-twist.html If it's worth doing it's worth overdoing! As there was plenty of io pins free and I have plenty of gear to sync I decided to add more than one clock output. ...